Embodied Integral Facilitators

  • T Poling

    T Poling

    Terry is an experienced organization development consultant leading major company-wide change and development initiatives for a variety of organizations including Fidelity Investments, Motorola, AlliedSignal, BlueCross BlueShield, Eaton, J&J, Abbott Laboratories, Ascension Health, Unilever, United Way and Robert Bosch Corp. Terry is currently President, The Poling Group, an organization development and executive coaching services firm committed to developing and advancing integral leadership in the world. He serves as a Member of the UNCA Management & Accountancy Advisory Board and Member of the Board for Integral Leadership in Action.

    Terry has also taught communication, organization behavior and human resource management courses for Texas A&M University, Northeastern University, Stonehill College and Oakland University. He recieved his first master's degree in Communication from Miami University and a second master's degree in Counseling Psychology and Organizational Studies from Boston College. He has authored several articles and publications and has spoken on a variety of topics at both national and regional conferences.

    Specialties: Leadership development, executive coaching, organizational behavior, team effectiveness, change management and cultural dynamics.

  • Adam Leonard

    Originally trained as an international diplomat for the US foreign service, Adam Leonard helps leaders, teams, and organizations achieve their full potential. For over a decade, Adam has consulted, coached, designed, and facilitated within The Google School for Leaders, Google’s center of excellence for advanced leadership development. Over that time Adam helped create Google’s #1 senior leader program (“Leading in Complexity”), consulted with hundreds of senior leaders and leadership teams, and founded a global meditation practice community.

    Adam currently works 1:1 with VPs at Google DeepMind and other areas of Google to accelerate their leadership development through a hybrid approach that integrates executive coaching, depth psychology, and experiential learning.

    Before Google, Adam worked at two management consulting firms with a range of clients from entrepreneurial start-ups to YPO mid-market businesses to large Fortune 500 corporations. In addition, Adam used to work at Mattel, one of the biggest toy companies, within their futuristic toy design center.

    Adam’s ideas and research have been published in peer reviewed academic journals and books. His book—Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, and Mental Clarity—co-authored with psychologist and philosopher Ken Wilber, overviews many transformative tools and design methods for personal and leadership development.

    He was featured in the books Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work for bringing flow states and mindfulness to Silicon Valley in addition to Conscious Leadership: Elevating Humanity Through Business co-authored by Whole Foods CEO, John Mackey, for his work on psychological safety and vertical leadership development.

    Adam regularly delivers keynote speeches, presents at professional conferences, leads workshops, and consults with clients around the world. He currently lives with his wife in Sonoma and enjoys meditation, tennis, yoga, writing, and hiking in the beautiful redwood forests of Northern California.

  • Allison Conte, MSPODC

    Allison Conte, MSPODC

    Allison Conte serves as a bridge between the worlds of spirituality and leadership. 

    She is a mystic, shamanic practitioner, spiritual guide, ordained priestess, speaker and author – and also, a c-suite executive advisor, leadership instructor, organizational development consultant, published author and speaker. 

    In her role as priestess and co-founder of The Sanctuary for Sacred Union and the School for Sacred Union, Allison serves the spiritual leaders and change-leaders of the Great Turning, offering mystery-school teachings and potent spiritual ceremonies (such as plant-medicine ceremonies and pilgrimages) to inform their leadership. 

    Allison received the title of “master teacher” from her spiritual elder, Grandmother La’ne Sa’an Moonwalker, a wisdom keeper in the Apache tradition who oversees the work of the Sanctuary for Sacred Union. 

    Allison has been a thought-leader in the emerging field of feminine leadership for over a decade. As founder of Sophia Leadership, she serves women change-leaders who are on a spiritual path and desire to source and embody the power of the Sacred Feminine in their leadership.

    At Harvard Business School, Allison's executive leadership programs have drawn upwards of 5,000 participants across the globe. After nearly 20 years of consulting to large and multinational organizations, Allison focuses this part of her work on serving environmental organizations. 

    Previously, she served on the faculties of The Center for Creative Leadership, the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, and the Integral Center, and worked as a master executive coach in Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management Executive Education Department. 

    She holds a master’s degree in Positive Organization Development from Case Western Weatherhead School of Management. She is a certified Spiritual Intelligence Coach and Gestalt Practitioner. 

    Allison’s work linking polarities and integral theory was published in the

    Journal of Integral Theory and Practice

    in 2014. She has co-authored three books and is working on a fourth. 

  • Nathanael Chawkin

    Nathanael specializes in transforming organizational culture by coaching executive team dynamics. By turning development into a team sport, leaders learn to approach tough conversations with heart, which creates radical new levels of trust, connectedness, high performance, and team flow. Once this cultural cornerstone is set, Nathanael helps organizations scale leadership development through in-house peer coaching practice.

    As a martial arts and mindfulness meditation instructor, Nathanael's practice-based approach has helped hundreds of executives from growth-minded, midmarket companies traverse the path to their next level of leadership development.

    His work with Palæstra Leadership clients has been covered by Entrepreneur magazine and the Financial Times.

    Nathanael completed his BA from Maharishi International University in 2002, and MA in Integral Psychology & Coaching from JFK University in 2009.

    He earned his 2nd degree blackbelt in Aikido in 2005 while serving as the senior director of an internationally renowned uchideshi (live-in training) program, and is a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He founded Integral Martial Arts, a blend of eastern art & western sport, to coach human performance both on & off the mat, in 2011.

  • Nomali Perera

    Nomali teaches, facilitates and coaches in the areas of professional and personal development utilizing adult developmental tools to build resilience, productivity and mindful awareness. She believes that the business place is one of the most relevant places of human growth and development. No matter how disruptive your technology is or how excellent your systems are, the new work place must be an environment that sincerely and deliberately regards its people's highest potential, sense of dignity and overall wellbeing as critical to the success of the business. That is where she is most inspired. She seeks to understand the developmental needs of organizations, processes and people, and provide customized opportunities that facilitate continuous learning and growth. More information can be found at www.practicalintegral.com

  • Lisa Norton

    Lisa Norton is an Uncertainty Sherpa – a guide to creatively flourishing in uncertainty. She hosts the Uncertainment Lounge, a virtual collective space for sensing and embracing the unknown and unknowable as a path to knowing. Previous experience includes decades of generative inquiry with artists, designers and technologists at the School of Design Strategies at Parsons School of Design, and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her coaching and consulting is focused on life practices and circadian biological health. https://practicesof.org/

  • Holly Woods

    Holly Woods, PhD. Is the Founder of the Emergence Institute, and author of the bestseller, The Golden Thread: Where to Find Purpose in the Stages of Your Life. As a purpose activator, Master Integral Coach, and consultant, she sees deeply into people’s souls, activating and catalyzing what wants to come alive in them so they can manifest their unreasonable visions. She warns people they shouldn’t be near her unless they want to become a new version of themselves. That scares some people, delights others. She’s spent her life imagining a world where we could all become who we’re meant to be, awake and alive in a way that allows us to express our most innate, natural, and purposeful gifts. She is the creator and dreamer behind the Purpose Flywheel™ and The Wild Beyonder™. The Emergence Institute is a strategic consulting and coaching firm with a 35-year track record in helping companies create purpose-driven products and businesses that not only impact the world but create sustainable revenue and meaningful work. Using a validated methodology and toolkit, they help people gain Inner and Outer Mastery, and learn to Co-create in the quantum field so their visionary innovations are sourced from purpose, and they can live an inspired, abundant and impactful life. Learn more at EmergenceInstitute.net.

  • Michael McElhenie

    Michael McElhenie

    Michael McElhenie PhD has over 35 years of experience as a facilitator, coach, and advisor to global leaders, Michael is an expert in guiding transformational change. He runs the global consultancy Metatropia and founded Exult Athletics in 2020, which is transforming the culture of youth sports. With a foundation in behavioral neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and crucial communication, Michael is often called upon to help leaders navigate the complex dynamics of executive team and board relationships. He is a licensed psychologist and a graduate of Being First’s 4Sight and the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland’s Organizational Systems and Development programs. Michael received his doctorate in Organizational, Clinical and Experimental Psychology, and his Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and Psychology.

  • Tyler Davis

    Tyler Davis is an integrally-aligned personal trainer who explores the depths of nature and new ways to connect with his body. In 2023, he started a company that helps people get outdoors and learn to open up to and enhance their multiple intelligences. Tyler's been training his mind and body for 22 years - to his edge and beyond - and spent six years serving in the US Army (Infantry, Recon, Sniper), four of which in a leadership position focused on Physical Readiness Training. When not contemplating life in his backyard, Tyler can be found hitting the heavy bag, throwing darts, or renovating his home and furniture.

  • Bett Bollhoefer

    Tech leader for 23 years, former CTO for AI company, worked at Meta & Instagram for almost 2 years. Has self-published 8 books on subjects from software architecture, self-publishing software development, running good meetings, and creating a daily yoga practice.

    Bett is an entrepreneur in wellness and CEO of a software startup focusing on bringing insights to small organizations just like the big organizations get. Her company is called Redwood Forest Insights and is inspired by how redwood trees build a mycelial network of roots and communicate with each other through it.

    She combines the ancient embodied wisdom of traditions like yoga with modern science.

    She loves Spiral Dynamics as a lens for looking at various systems including organizational development.

    She lives in Oakland, CA with her amazing husband Steve and their three rescue cats: Hansel, Gretel and Hamlet.